30 days or 600 MB trial, no ads, and no subscriptions required! ✓
Try RapidVPN before you buy. There are 4 servers (UK, Germany, Switzerland and Philadelphia, PA - USA) to test. You don't need to subscribe, just enter your email address to receive an activation code.
Trust Point ✓
Get free credits (additional subscription days) while you are using RapidVPN! 👍
Split Tunneling ✓
Decide which applications use VPN and which don't, while VPN is connected.
Internet Kill Switch ✓
If your VPN connection drops unexpectedly, RapidVPN stops your entire network traffic from transmission.
DNS Leak Protection ✓
With our Android application, your DNS won't leak anymore and you are fully protected against your ISP tracking!
16 different OVPN ports ✓
Now you have more choices to connect different ports (TCP/UDP). If a port is blocked by your ISP, just switch to another port with one tap.
Port Scanner ✓
Check what OpenVPN ports are open to connect to in your area.
Real Speed Test ✓
Find the best server to connect by testing speed and pinging servers.
Data Compression ✓
Compress data to have faster speed and better performance.
Auto Connection ✓
Get connected as soon as your Internet is available.
Additional features:
✓ P2P (torrent) VPN is supported on Switzerland and Netherlands servers with Gigabit network speed to ensure fast speed
✓ 4 simultaneous connections by default (Premium accounts only), upgradeable to up to 99
✓ Unlimited bandwidth
✓ No registration is required! just enter your email address
✓ Fresh dedicated IP addresses for maximum security, 100% safe and reliable.